De Veenmolen
te Wilnis
How are we

The Veenmolen is the only working mill in "De Ronde Venen" and is owned by the Utrecht Windmills Foundation. In order to preserve the mill for posterity, it is of great importance to maintain the mill and to have it run regularly. Voluntary millers keep the mill going. In the sixties of the last century, the Guild of Voluntary Millers was set up nationally in order not to lose the craft of the miller and the knowledge.
Every Saturday the mill runs between 10.00 - 16.00. In the shop various flour products can be bought or ordered. See under products what we have.
Foundation "De Wilnisse Veenmolen"
Obviously, such an old machine – for that is what a windmill is – demands extensive maintenance. Much is carried out by volunteers, but the services of a professional mill builder are necessary occasionally. All in all, the upkeep is expensive, and the costs are not completely covered by the income from donations, subsidies and the profit from the milled grain.
Goals of the foundation
In order to give the appropriate direction to the policy for the preservation of the windmill, a foundation was set up in cooperation with the owner: the Stichting Wilnisser Veenmolen. This foundation has the following objectives:
Facilitate regular operation of the mill: idleness rusts!
Carrying out small maintenance in the broadest sense of the word
Fund raising for this maintenance, and building reserves for future maintenance
Provide information about windmills in general and specifically the Veenmolen, through public tours inside the mill and press publications
Educational presentations in local schools
For information about the foundation and the ways of supporting it, please contact the secretary, accessible by st.wilnisserveenmolen@ gmail.com.